Our Services:
Your Unique Yum!

Like so much in life (ours and yours), it does not yet appear who we shall be. Our aim is simply to meet a need we see in the world: the need for humans to have access to pleasure and joy. Each person has a unique Yum Profile: this person might feel a good bit of Yum in their body, but not much in their connection to a larger cause, while the next person might be in a delicious relationship but wake up feeling physically miserable every day. So, we’ll hope to address all levels of Yum, and those we cannot help with, we’ll at least likely have a suggestion as to who or what can help.


The Yum! of the Body

Ask yourself, how am I doing in terms of the basic sensory experience of life?

Certainly, this begins with the basics of health: sleep, food, drink, exercise. The Yum of the Body goes so far beyond that, to include attending to the smells, sights, textures, sounds, and tastes in your life.

The Yum! of Relationship

How are your relationships? Would you describe them as “delicious?”

We’re not merely talking about a primary intimate relationship, although we include that. Rather, we’re focused on the full array of your connections to your fellow humans. How are your relationships, whether with a beloved, your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors?

The Yum! of a Higher Cause

Is your life a slog just to get through the day, or do you awaken inspired by a calling of something beyond yourself?

There is deep pleasure for those who live a life that is aligned with something bigger than themselves, whether this is in the realm of contributing to society in some way or a relationship with a Higher Power, or perhaps something else.

The Yum! of Awakening to Reality

Do you experience yourself as separate from all that is around you?

The truth of the matter is this: none of us is separate from the Entire Thing. The great advances of science meet up with the great sages throughout history tell the same story — we are One, utterly interconnected with Everything. There is a particular Yum associated with awakening to this simple truth.

The Yum! of a Unique Creative Contribution

You are a unique expression of the creative force of the Cosmos. Are you living your life in alignment with your unique self?

There is not much that is yummier than fully understanding who you are in your uniqueness and living your life as a creative expression of that uniqueness. Have you claimed your particular place in this universe with joy and ecstasy?

Some credits.

Our notions about yum are drawn from a vast array of resources to which we’ve been exposed over decades. These sources range from ancient and modern spiritual traditions to much from modern science and medicine.
A particular debt of gratitude goes to Dr. Marc Gafni, a teacher, friend, and co-author who has done more to evolve our current understanding of pleasure as a fundamental cosmic process than anyone we’ve encountered.
If you’re interested in diving deep into the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of this topic, we recommend you start with Dr. Gafni’s Pleasure Map online course (with Adam Gilad), which you’ll find at this link.